
匹兹堡大学皇冠手机版分校经济援助办公室的工作人员在这里帮助学生和家庭申请和接受经济援助. 皇冠手机版经验丰富的工作人员在办公时间可以回答您的经济援助问题和请求. 不需要预约. 学生 and families are assisted in the office on a walk-in basis, Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Our phone number is (814) 827-4495.


请访问本网站的申请经济援助部分,并阅读有关经济援助申请流程的信息, the forms you will need to complete, 皇冠手机版的优先截止日期和对皮特-皇冠手机版学生可获得的经济援助类型的描述. 如果您对申请过程有任何疑问或需要帮助,请皇冠手机版的办公室.

My parents won't pay for my college expenses. 我怎么支付大学学费?

Grants, scholarships, loans and employment are all options for qualified applicants. The parents of dependent students will need to play a part in this process. 经济援助的基本前提是,支付就读高等教育机构费用的主要责任在于家庭. 学生经济援助的主要目的是为有经济需要的学生提供经济资源,否则他们将无法继续接受高等教育. 让你的家人参与你的教育决定对你申请经济援助是必要的. 如果没有父母的财务信息和参与,大多数受抚养的学生通常不可能获得足够的经济援助.

How many credits do I need to register for to receive financial aid?

Enrollment requirements vary by the type of aid. 许多经济援助项目要求你注册为全日制学位课程的学生. 作为一名本科生,你必须每学期注册至少12个学分才能被视为全日制. 一些经济援助计划要求你至少是全日制学生才能获得经济援助. Half-time for an undergraduate is 6 credits per term.


If you completed the financial aid application process by the priority deadline, you were awarded each type of financial aid for which you were eligible.

  • Parents of dependent students can apply for a Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan. 如果父节点被拒绝, dependent students can get additional Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan funds. 一旦被拒绝的申请进入皇冠手机版的系统,皇冠手机版将通过电子邮件向学生发送这些选项. 

  • 学生 can also consider a variety of alternative education loans. Although more expensive than the Federal Direct loans, this can be a useful resource to help pay college expenses. 

  • 学生还可以探索在皮特-皇冠手机版以外获得奖学金的可能性. A number of free search engines are available. 这个选项, 虽然值得探索, 可能需要更多的时间,可能不会产生足够快的结果来支付当前学期的大学账单.

Why hasn't my aid/loan been processed yet?

你需要联系经济援助办公室,了解你没有按照预期收到的经济援助. As there are many types of aid with a variety of requirements, there is not a single answer to this question.

What is the maximum amount of money I can apply for through additional loans?

学生有资格申请并获得经济援助,以支付大学的估计出勤费用(COA)。. COA包括学费, 费用, 食宿, 书, 供应, transportation and other education-related expenses. 对于一些援助,你可以收到的金额是受限于你证明的经济需要. Using Federal Direct PLUS and alternative loan programs, you may be able to borrow up to the total COA.

Why is my aid different from last year?

Financial aid eligibility is reviewed each year. 皇冠手机版会考虑到您的财务状况发生的变化,并可能导致更高的预期家庭供款(EFC), different award amount or ineligibility for a type of aid. Changes in your enrollment and housing plans can also affect your aid eligibility. Please contact our office to review your application.


请访问本网站的援助类型和学生贷款部分,了解每种贷款申请流程的完整信息. 如果您需要帮助来决定哪个贷款计划适合您,请皇冠手机版的办公室.


点击这里 to contact the 学生会计处 or send a letter to:
University of Pittsburgh at 皇冠手机版
504 E. 主要街道
(814) 827-4424

How can I reduce or cancel my student loan?

You can request a reduction or cancellation of your Federal Direct Loan, 通过填写贷款变更申请表并将其交回财政援助办公室,获得联邦直接贷款或替代贷款.

What happens to my financial aid when I drop classes?

Depending on the type of financial aid you are receiving, the number of credits you are dropping and when you drop, your financial aid may or may not be affected. Please contact our office for specific information.

Where do I complete entrance/exit counseling for Federal Direct or Perkins Loans?

入学和退学咨询要求可以在教育部的网站上在线完成联邦直接贷款, 点击完成咨询,然后选择开始进入或退出咨询.
申请联邦珀金贷款, 点击这里完成入学或入学面试,并以电子方式签署主本票.
Please click here to complete the Exit Interview

Why were PHEAA grants removed from my financial aid?

There can be many reasons why your PHEAA grant was cancelled. Please contact our office for assistance.

Are there separate MPNs for different loans?

Yes, each loan will have a separate Master Promissory Note (MPN). If you are awarded a Federal Perkins Loan and you are a f国税局t time borrower, 在这些资金将提供给你之前,你必须完成入学面试和主本票(MPN). You will be advised via email when your MPN is available for you to sign. These requirements can be completed online. Funds will be credited to your University bill once these requirements are met. 这些贷款必须在你毕业或以其他方式终止在匹兹堡大学的注册后偿还.
如果你是一名新学生或从未通过联邦直接学生贷款计划借款, you are required to sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN). Your MPN will be valid for 10 years while you are enrolled as a student. 只要你继续在匹兹堡大学系统注册,你就不需要每年签署这份表格,最长可达10年. 在您签署MPN之前,学生贷款资金无法支付到您的学生账户.

How do I qualify for Federal Work Study?

Federal Work Study is awarded to students based on financial need. If you complete the financial aid application process on time, you will be considered for Federal Work Study. 如果你符合联邦勤工俭学的资格,它将包含在你的经济援助奖励信中.

I didn't file a paper tax return, how do I give you a copy of my tax return?

由于法规的变化, 美国教育部现在要求提供官方的国税局纳税申报表副本. 因此, regardless of whether you have a paper copy of your return or not, you will either have to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. which is part of the FAFSA or contact the IRS for a transcript.
点击这里 for instructions on using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool.
除此之外,还有一种新工具可以让国税局的成绩单以电子方式调出. 请到 www.国税局.gov /个人/得到转录. 您也可以通过填写IRS表格4506并将此请求邮寄给国税局来获得您的纳税申报表副本. 但请注意,邮寄此请求将需要更长的时间来处理,并可能延迟经济援助过程.

My parent's Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan has been denied, what do I do now?

If your parent's Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan is denied, you may be eligible for additional unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan funds($4,第1年及第2年为000元)